
Equip yourself with the know-how to defend against modern threats, ensuring your business remains resilient in the digital age.
Advanced Phishing Techniques

Advanced Phishing Techniques

As security solutions continue to advance, so too do the techniques that threat actors employ in their attempts to bypass security. As threats continue to develop it is important to remain vigilant and aware of security trends to build a strong human firewall. There...

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The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace will be one of the biggest trends in 2024. Technologies around AI are developing rapidly, and organizations large and small are hedging their bets on its use to improve productivity and output...

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Introducing Phish Resistant MFA

Introducing Phish Resistant MFA

Keeping accounts and credentials secure requires on-going development and the implementation of sophisticated techniques. As phishing campaigns continue to grow in frequency and their methods become more advanced, authentication processes must also continue to...

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Meraki Marketplace Expanded

Meraki Marketplace Expanded

In our previous newsletter, we briefly discussed the Meraki Marketplace and how its wide variety of apps integrate seamlessly into the Meraki platform, providing customized solutions for several unique use cases. Today we’ll cover some of these in-depth to show just...

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Meraki Marketplace Expanded

Meraki Marketplace Expanded

In our previous newsletter, we briefly discussed the Meraki Marketplace and how its wide variety of apps integrate seamlessly into the Meraki platform, providing customized solutions for several unique use cases. Today we’ll cover some of these in-depth to show just...

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Cisco Spaces & Meraki IoT

Cisco Spaces & Meraki IoT

Workplaces around the world are seeing technology play a key role in their transformation, supporting hybrid environments using real-time data and monitoring. At most Cisco offices for example, employees and visitors will see digital signage at the entrance that...

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Security Fundamentals – Smart Social Media Use

Security Fundamentals – Smart Social Media Use

Social engineering is a manipulation technique used by cybercriminals to trick you into taking a specific action or divulging confidential information without thinking. We’ve previously covered tips on how to spot phishing emails in the workplace by identifying some...

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CSOLVE August Newsletter: Terms of Service

CSOLVE August Newsletter: Terms of Service

Terms of service, privacy agreements, and other disclaimers often inundate us as we browse the web, sign up for new social media accounts, or download a new app to our phone. With how long and complex these terms of use can be, it is no wonder why many users scroll to...

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CSOLVE July Newsletter

CSOLVE July Newsletter

Cybersecurity is not only a concern for large corporations, but also for small businesses that may be more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. According to Accenture, small businesses accounted for 43% of cyber-attacks in 2019, but only 14% had adequate security measures in...

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