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Equip yourself with the know-how to defend against modern threats, ensuring your business remains resilient in the digital age.


'Tis the season to give back and this year, like others we are giving back to those in need by supporting several organizations in our communities. The Compu-SOLVE elves will be donating $500 to the Salvation Army Midland, Elmvale Food Bank, Barrie Food Bank and...

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Embracing the Cloud (Part 2)

Embracing the Cloud (Part 2)

In our last newsletter, we discussed embracing the cloud and reviewed the basics. In case you missed it or need a refresher you can check it out here. At a basic level, the cloud’s strength lies in its flexible infrastructure, and the advantages are clear: Cost...

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Embracing the Cloud (Part One)

Embracing the Cloud (Part One)

Migration to the cloud experienced extraordinary acceleration last year. It was time for companies to move from outdated and inefficient legacy infrastructures to the cloud to allow for more scalability, security, and reliability. Not to mention the cost savings it...

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Upgrading your current network infrastructure

Upgrading your current network infrastructure

From connectivity to cloud applications, networking plays a crucial role in every business journey. Reliability, security, and affordability continue to be top of mind while ongoing management and operations add additional complexity. In this month’s newsletter we...

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Enhance your current security practice

Enhance your current security practice

With an increasingly distributed workforce, security is more important than ever. It is critical to have network security solutions that ensure comprehensive, automated security across your entire company. In this month’s newsletter we are highlighting some of the...

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54% of SMBs believe that their companies are “too small” to be hacked. When it comes to cyberattacks, hackers don’t care how big your company is; they care how weak your security is. They are more likely to target the companies with the weakest security, no matter how...

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The importance of workplace monitoring

The importance of workplace monitoring

More than ever, small businesses need to know what’s happening on their premises. To protect your employees, guests, and customers, you need to provide a safe experience that’s still enjoyable. Smart security cameras that integrate with wireless networking solutions...

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